Mini Grooms

Warm massage bath with a gentle botanical shampoo and conditioner specifically selected for your pet
Ears cleaned
Hair in ear canal plucked (if needed)
Anal glands expressed (where possible and if needed)
Hand fluff drying (no cage drying)
Complete brush out
Nail trim
Foot pads trimmed of hair (if needed)
Eye hair trimmed (if needed)
Sanitary trim – hair around the privates is clipped (if needed)
Bows or a bandanna

Maximum weight 50lbs

Prices start at $60

*We are currently accepting a limited number of new mini grooming clients.*

Full Grooms

All full grooms include all elements of a mini groom with the addition of a full body haircut.

Maximum weight 45lbs

Prices start at $90

*We are currently only accepting new full grooming clients for our wait list. We cannot book any full grooms at this time.*

Additional Services

De-shedding treatment - This special anti-shedding treatment dramatically reduces the mess and clean up of unwanted pet hair. A specially designed tool will be used to remove excess hair in the undercoat. This treatment has been proven to reduce shedding from 60 to 80 percent. By reducing the amount of pet hair, you are reducing the amount of dander and airborne elements that cause allergic reactions in many people. Add $15 - $20